Milk Auto Frother (“Cappuccinatore”) Cleaning


  • As is the case for any fresh milk use, it is very important to regularly clean out the milk frother tube for hygiene purposes and also to prevent mechanical failures.
  • The tube can be flushed with water at any time and ideally after each use to prevent the milk drying out. The more cleaning you do the less problems you will have!
  • Flushing your milk frother with the Milk Steamer Solution provided at the end of the day will also keep the tube clear. Dilute 1 teaspoon of solution in 250ml of water. This can also be done mid-morning if required.
  • The milk frother is detachable and can easily be completely pulled apart. A good idea is to take it apart and soak it over the weekend in a batch of the Milk Steamer Solution, then give it a quick rinse and reassemble first thing Monday. This will ensure it stays clean and gives you trouble free operation.



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